
Emma Dionne ’20 is Awarded a James Madison Memorial Fellowship



5月7日, 2020—Emma Dionne ’20 was one of just 53 students selected nationwide for the prestigious James Madison Memorial Fellowship.

Dionne is the second Marist student to receive this recognition; Nicole Brooks Donolli '08 was the first. A native of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, Dionne is majoring in 历史 辅修了 政治科学. 她的目标是在高中任教.

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship recognizes the potential of current and future teachers of U.S. 历史 and politics, equipping them to better incorporate the teaching of U.S. 宪法史纳入他们的课程. The Fellowship provides a grant for graduating students to pursue a Master’s degree in 历史 or 政治科学. Fellows are required to teach 历史 and the Constitution at the secondary level for one year after earning their degree.

“The Madison Fellowship is an invaluable opportunity for students like me who chose to focus on 历史 rather than education during college, 但我渴望在中学教书,迪翁说。. “选择主修历史而不是教育, I had the flexibility in my schedule to study abroad and to participate in two internships. I was also able to engage in a wide variety of 历史 and 政治科学 courses which have given me a deeper understanding of 历史. I feel that my experiences will help me to be a more effective teacher with a lot to share with my future students.”



在她的学术顾问的指导下, 历史教授迈克尔·奥沙利文, Dionne began to look into the Madison Fellowship during her sophomore year.

“The application process for the Madison was intense and it pushed me both academically and personally,迪翁解释道. Applicants are asked to write an essay about why the study of the Constitution is so important to democracy in America. “I think that this question holds more weight now than ever and it led me to do some serious research in order to best answer it.”

迪翁把这归功于她申请的成功, 在某种程度上, to the close relationships she has built in the Marist 历史 Department, notably with O’Sullivan and Professors Robyn Rosen and Nicholas Marshall. “They have been encouraging me and pushing me to succeed from my very first classes with them. Their willingness to read my drafts and let me spend time in their offices has been one of the main reasons why I’ll miss Marist,迪翁说。. 研究生院和奖学金顾问, 帕特-泰勒, 也帮助指导迪翁通过申请过程.


O’Sullivan noted that Dionne was a stand-out student from the beginning. "Emma's success is a result of both her own tremendous character and all that is good about the Marist experience. I noted her talent already in her first semester at the College, but she transcended our expectations by taking advantage of every possible opportunity. 她利用了教职员工的个人关注. She studied abroad twice, completed internships, and applied for fellowships,奥沙利文说.



在校园内外,迪翁从事了许多追求. 她在罗斯福图书馆和档案馆工作, 和bet亚洲365欢迎投注档案, 在波基普西松疗养院做志愿者, 庄园在伍德赛德高级生活, 两个小学项目, 以及波基普西的午餐盒汤厨房. 去年秋天, she traveled to London as part of the Hansard Scholars Society Program where she was an intern to Chris Evans, 艾斯利镇的工党议员, 威尔士.

“Emma has the most important quality of all as we face COVID-19: resilience. Even though Brexit disrupted some aspects of her Hansard internship in London and the pandemic pushed her spring classes online, she continued to work closely with Marist faculty and string together several enriching academic opportunities,奥沙利文说.

在离家更近的地方,迪翁也曾在bet亚洲365欢迎投注医院实习 哈德逊河谷研究所. “My job there entailed writing a documentary film script and conducting four on-camera interviews for an episode of ‘Return to the River.’ This internship has tested the limits of my historic knowledge and made me come to the realization that 历史 needs to be shared with the public or it is not useful to preserve. Experiences such as these are ones that I know will be instrumental in the classroom and will inform how I interact with my students in a real and honest way.”

The Madison Fellowship work has begun and Dionne off and running. “As soon as I found out that I was selected as a 2020 Fellow, I had to register for the GRE Test and apply to graduate schools,”她说。. 今年夏天, 作为麦迪逊奖学金要求的一部分, she will attend the Summer Institute at Georgetown University. She anticipates making a decision about where to attend graduate school soon; she will pursue a Master’s Degree in 历史 with a focus in American Studies.

No matter what program Dionne chooses, it’s clear her future is going to be bright.
